Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 11/29/07

Amended and Approved on 1/24/08


Committee Attendees

George Bailey - Chair

Allen Garf

Corey Snow, Treasurer

Arnold Kublin

Arnold Cohen  - Clerk

Susan Rich

Peg Arguimbau



Meeting Initiation

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair, Corey Snow who reviewed the evening’s agenda.


Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes for 10/25/07 were reviewed. Mr. Kublin moved to approve the minutes of 10/25/07. Mr. Bailey seconded the motion and the Committee voted 6-0-1 in favor. Mr. Garf abstained due to his absence from the 10/25/07 meeting.


Heights Elementary School Playground Project #013

Karen Wald, President of the Heights Elementary PTO, and Playground Committee Chair, Sarah Horton, came before the CPC to provide an update on their fundraising efforts for the Height Playground project. She reported that the PTO surpassed the raising of $40,000 and is moving ahead with the bidding process. They intend to begin building by the end of June, 2008. They prepared and presented an overview of the playground, what the project consisted of, how it is being funded and how they will be managing it. They will begin building with the funds they have and have created a wish list for future building. They will obtain 3- 4 bids before the work will begin.


They reported $47,000 is in the Heights Community Playground Account. Mr. Kublin commented that the monies should be released to the committee however they will need to provide documentation of what was spent.


Mr. Bailey moved that whereas the Sharon Heights Elementary School Playground Fund is in excess of $40,000 as required under Article 13 we therefore transfer $40,000 as authorized under Article 13 to the Sharon Heights Elementary PTO Playground Fund. In turn, the Playground Fund will periodically advise the CPC on the project status. Mr. Garf seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-1 in favor. Ms. Arguimbau abstained due to her affiliation with Heights Elementary School.


Ms. Wald commented that the community has been very supportive. It is nice for the CPC to understand where the money is going. She indicated that she hopes an article will appear in the Advocate  and that she will mention the use of CPC funds.


Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Bailey  reviewed the plan for the 2008 budget. He suggested splitting Administrative and Expenses into more categories. He divided the $30K into:


Planning          $23,500

Salary              $  4,000

Legal              $  2,000

Supplies          $    600


Mr. Bailey moved to adopt the CPC budget to be divided into categories. Mr. Cohen seconded the motion. The Committee voted 7-0-0 in favor of adopting the budget proposal.


Historic Preservation –Mr. Bailey reported that in 2007, Historic Preservation did not make 10%, and therefore that amount was encumbered. In fiscal 08’ there are no encumbered funds because 10% will be expended in all categories. In FY09” will expend $58,000 in Historical Preservation and $39,000 in Housing. Open Space encumbered at 10% will continue until fiscal 2012.


Southeastern Massachusetts Conference on the Community Preservation Act

Both Mr. Bailey and Ms. Rich attended the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference on the Community Preservation Act held at Bridgewater State College. Ms. Rich reported that it was interesting how communities are spending monies differently. As an example, Cambridge is spending 85% on affordable housing. Waltham and Quincy are now dipping in to the funds as well. Mr. Bailey provided the Committee with a detailed summary of the meeting.


Mr. Kublin stated that in March of each year, we will know how much money we will be getting for the next year. Mr. Bailey commented that the relation to the business of recreational land needs addressing. You can restore, rehabilitate existing structures not acquired with CP Funds.


Community Preservation Planning Process

Jennifer Goldson did not attend the meeting.


Document Preservation

Mr. Bailey met with the Library Trustees and asked if they had any interest in document preservation. He also mentioned the topic to the Town’s new Finance Director. He accumulated a large interest in document preservation and is looking at different methods to preserve. Ms. Rich commented that many towns are going through this right now


Other Business

Mr. Bailey  recommended attendance at the Smart Growth Energy Conference in Worcester that would be coming up. Mr. Kublin stated that the Committee accepts the concept that it is reasonable that individuals should not need to incur expenses to attend a conference related to CP. The Committee agreed that it will handle the situation based on an individual basis.


Next Meeting Date

January 24th, 2008.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Cohen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM and Ms. Arguimbau seconded the motion. The Committee voted 7-0-0 in favor.